
COUNTRIES, CULTURES, HISTORY / Israel, Holy Land, Palestina / Jerusalem / Holy Sepulchre / Entrance hall


Holy Sepulcher_Holy Land_Holy Prison_Tomb of Christus_Stone of the Unction_Golgotha_Roman Catholics_Greek orthodox, Entrance hall in the Holy Sepulcher, Picture of Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Holy Sepulcher_Holy Land_Tomb of Christus_Stone of the Unction_Golgotha_Greek orthodox_Easter in Holy Sepulcher_Easter_ Holy Sepulcher_Holy Land_Holy Prison_Tomb of Christus_Stone of the Unction_Golgotha_Roman Catholics_Greek orthodox_
Holy Sepulcher_Holy Land_Holy Prison_Tomb of Christus_Stone of the Unction_Golgotha_Roman Catholics_Greek orthodox_ Holy Sepulcher_Holy Land_Holy Prison_Tomb of Christus_Stone of the Unction_Golgotha_Roman Catholics_Greek orthodox_ Holy Sepulcher_Holy Land_Holy Prison_Tomb of Christus_Stone of the Unction_Golgotha_Roman Catholics_Greek orthodox_
Holy Sepulcher_Holy Land_Holy Prison_Tomb of Christus_Stone of the Unction_Golgotha_Roman Catholics_Greek orthodox_


Originally built by the mother of Emperor Constantine in 330 A.D., the Church of the Holy Sepulcher commemorates the hill of crucifixion and the tomb of Christ's burial. On grounds of tradition alone, this church is the best candidate for the location of these events. The Garden Tomb was not identified as such until the 19th century.

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